Number One in Hands-on De-escalation.
CD3 is short for Conductive Distraction and De-escalation Device. CD3 products are not a weapon, but a tool to quickly distract subjects with small, uncomfortable electrical pulses directly where the stimulation pads on the device is applied to the epidermis or surface of the skin. The future of non-lethal, low-optics, de-escalation technology is at your fingertips.

Our mission is to provide customizable options to help leaders guide their teams to the next level. We ensure our products and services are safe and effective and leave the best possible impact with today’s toughest challenges.
Todd Phillips
Co-Founder of APB and CTS

0 Court Cases in 6 Years.
Any cases brought against the G.L.O.V.E. have been reviewed and thrown out before they've reached court.
News & Noteworthy
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Meet the CTS team
The Compliant Training and Services team is dedicated to developing and maintaining the best law enforcement training tactics and techniques to keep officers safe. We believe Compliant Technologies has developed the most advanced use of force tools in decades.
Meet Our Team
CTS provides top level service for departments of all sizes. We offer both basic and advanced training programs as well as Agency Master Instructor certifications.

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